Discord Verification-Bot

Important Information

We never ask you to scan a QR Code to verify on any server!

When using our bot, you should see a checkmark before the bot's name.


How to Setup

Not your language? Use Google Translate!


Welcome to the Discord-Verification Bot. With this Bot you can prevent spammers and unwanted users to send messages on your server.

New users have to enter a random generated code to get access to the full server.

I recommend to enable user DMs on the server, that the bot can send you messages when there are problems.

After adding the bot to the server, you have to configure it.



NOTE: Only Server-Admins can do the following steps!

Create a channel, where users can enter their code. Best create a new one and move it to the top.

In this channel run the command /setup. You can use the verified_role parameter to set a "Verified"-role, which verified users will get. If you don't use this parameter, the bot will automatically create a "Verified"-role.

Now you will see a message, where you can select the permissions for the "Verified"-role. If you already configured your "Verified"-role by yourself, please select "Don't change". Otherwise select the permissions, you want. You can everytime change them using the role-server-settings.


Now you can configure the permissions for the "@everyone"-role. If you already configured your "@everyone"-role by yourself, please select "Don't change". Otherwise select the permissions, you want. You can everytime change them using the role-server-settings.


The bot will now apply your settings, set the permissions and configure the Verify-Channel. When finished, it will show a message, that the setup was done sucessfully.


Now you should check it out using a second account or Discord's "View-as-role" function. If needed, change the role- and channel-permissions in the server- and channel-settings as you need.


View for unverified users (select @everyone-role)

View for verified users (select your "Verified"-role)


To check, if everything has worked correctly, run the command /check-verification.It will show you an overview of the bot's status on your server.

If you see a green checkmark on the top right, everything should be fine from the bot's side.

If you see a red cross on the top right, there are one or more errors in the configuration. Check the values below. Errors are written in bold.


Server registered? - bool: Shows if your server is in our DB. If you see "False", please run /setup again or contact our support.

Verify-Channel? - string: Shows the name, mention and ID of the verify-channel. If you see "None", no verify-channel is saved in our DB. Then please run /setup in the verify-channel again or contact our support.

Verified-role? - string: Shows the name, mention and ID of the verified-role. If you see "None", no verified-role is saved in our DB. Then please run /setup in the verify-channel again or contact our support.

Verified-role assignable? - bool: Shows if your verified-role is assignable by the bot. If you see "False", please check the bot's permissions and the position of it's highest role. Make sure, it's higher than the verified-role.

Delete messages in verify-channel? - bool: Shows if the bot can delete messages in the verify-channel. This is needed to hold the verify-channel clean. If you see "False", please check the bot's channel-permissions and make sure, "manage_messages" is enabled for the bot.

Verify-message? - string: Shows your custom verify-message, if configured. If you don't have a custom verify-message, it will show "Default".


Overview without errors

Overview with errors

In this case, the verified-role is not assignable. You see the "False" written in bold.


Now new users only see the verify-channel, where they have to run the command /verify. Other messages automatically get deleted (except messages by admins).

After that, a message with a random code get sent to the channel and the user have to type this code.

For example:

To confirm that you are not a bot, please enter:
/verify vcode:71724


Now the user have to type /verify vcode:71724. After that, it will get the "Verified"-Role and he has access to the other channels, where the verified-role has acess to.


NOTE: Only Server-Admins can do the following steps!

With the command "/verify-message MESSAGE" you can change the message for "/verify". For the random code use "{code}". DON'T CHANGE THE VARIABLE!!!



Now you should place a message in the verify-channel, explaining to the new users what they need to do to verify themselves. Note that new users must have read-access to the channel. An example:

To get full access to the server, please type in this channel
to generate a verification code.



NOTE: Only Server-Admins can do the following steps!

You can set the role-permissions of "Verified" and rename the role as you want!


If you want to remove the verification-channel from our DB, please run the command


You can also just delete it.


The /remove-channel command will remove the current verify-channel from the DB.







The /check-verification command shows that it worked. The verify-channel is now "None".


IMPORTANT: If you remove the bot from your server, we will delete various collected data (server-ID, verify-channel-ID, your verify-message, your verified-role) from our DB after a certain time.




/setup - Add the verification to the channel, where you run the command (makes it a verify-channel)

/remove-channel - Remove the verification (verify-channel) from the channel, where you run the command.

/check-verify-channel - Checks if the channel, where you run the command is a verify-channel

/check-verification - Checks whether errors occurred during the setup of the verification (or later) that could cause problems. You should run this command after /setup is finished.

/verify-message - Customize the message, when a new user types /verify. You can include the code with {code}.

                                     Example: "/verify-message Welcome to the Server! Please verify yourself with the code {code}"

/mverify USER - Manually verify a user

/unverify USER- Manually unverify a user



/verify - Generates a verification code. Only runs in verify-channel.

/verify [CODE] - Redeem a generated verification-code

/help - Shows a list of all commands


Q: The bot doesn't show any commands.

A: Make sure you invited the bot with application.commands scope. Just reinvite the bot with this scope. If you still can't see any commands, please contact our support.


Q: After running a command I get an interaction-error.

A: First you can try to run the command again after some minutes. If you still get this error, please contact our support.



Q: After running !add-verification I get the error "Failed to create "Verified"-Role! Please ensure, that I have the manage_roles permission and try again!"

A: The bot needs the manage_roles permission, because it creates and manages the "Verified" role on your server. Give it this permission and try again.


Q: New joined users get an error message after redeeming the correct code, that they should contact the administrator.

A: Please ensure, that the bot's can apply the verified-role and the role is lower than the bot's highest role. An admin can check that with the command /check-verification


Q: When I DM the bot, nothing happens.

A: Please enable DMs on your server, that the bot and we can answer you. Also check that the bot is not down.


Q: Which permissions I need to run Admin-Commands?

A: You need ADMINISTRATOR-Permissions on the server to run Admin-Commands.


Q: In the status I see the text "MAINTENANCE" and commands just leave the message "This command is currently blocked due to maintenance work!"

A: If you see this, the bot is currently in maintenance and these commands are blocked to prevent damage on our system and your server. Please wait, until the "MAINTENANCE" status is gone.


Q: My question is not here!

A: Oh, our fault! Just ask your question on our support-server or DM the bot your question. We will do our best to help you.


3.0 | 01.10.2022

After more than 2 weeks downtime we decided to continue our work on the bot! Look forward to new features, lots of changed and more!

- SLASH-COMMANDS! - We now support slash-commands! All prefix-commands are no longer available and got removed.

- NEW HOSTER! - We finally have a new hoster with 15x more memory to create a smoother and faster bot-feeling. The server will restart every 12 hours to clear cache.

- WEBSITE-GUIDE REWORKED! - We completely rewrote the guide here on the website with text and pictures to explain all processes as good as we can!

- NEW SETUP! - We completely rebuild the setup-process! The new command to setup is now /setup. If you already have a verified-role, you can use the parameter verified_role to directly define your verified-role. After that you can select the permissions for the verified-role and @everyone. No more need to use "Not verified"-role or changing channel-permissions (except verify-channel).

- /verify no longer shows the message in German in default. It will now be English-only.

- /check-verification now shows your custom verify-message, if you set one. If you don't use a custom verify-message, it will show "Default"

- changed !remove-verification to /remove-channel


2.2 | 08.01.2021

- The bot will now use replies to answer you (except some commands)

- Support answers will get shown in replies to show, to which of your replies you got an answer

- Minimum Support-Request words is now 8 (from 15)

- Minimum Support-Request characters is now 30 (from 50)

- After sending a support-request, you will now see a message with a code, you have to enter

- Fixed a problem with cd-commands. After you waited 5min you can now run these commands again


2.1 | 05.12.2020

- The "Not verified"-role will now be given to new joined users

- New Subcommand: "!add-verification -seteveryone" - Will config the @everyone role also with the permissions of the "Not verified"-role

- New Subcommand: "!add-verification -useverified ROLEID" - Will config an already existing role to the "Verified"-role.

- New Subcommand: "!add-verification -usenotverified ROLEID" - Will config an already existing role to the "Not verified"-role.

- New Commands: "!help" and "!commands" - Shows a list of all commands

- Fixed some wrong points in verification-check

- Fixed "!mverify" and "!unverify"

- Removed Command: "!mverify-all" - No longer works

- Removed Command: "!unverify-all" - No longer works

- After running "!add-verification" users will no longer get a role automatically


2.0 | 25.10.2020

- You can now rename the "Verified" and "Not verified"-role! (finally!)

     -> If you already had the bot enabled in your server, before the update came out, please run the command "!update" with the default names. After that you can rename them. Only admins can run it

     -> As a new user, you don't have to run the update-command.

     -> Note: When you run !add-verification after renaming the roles, the bot will create new roles.

- When you remove the bot from your server, it will now delete your server settings correctly from our DB.

- If you have not used the "-exclude" parameter, this no longer lead to all channels get not assigned any permissions.

- Other some bugfixes


1.8 | 14.10.2020

- When there is already a verify-message and the user types !verify again, the old message now get deleted
- Verify-messages are now getting deleted after 1min (testphase, doesn't have to work)



1.7 | 29.09.2020

- New subcommand for !add-verification: -exclude -  exclude some channels from applyig the "Verified" and "Not verified" roles to it


1.6 | 24.09.2020

- The vote command is no longer bound to the custom prefix. That means you can now also run it on this server!
- The bot can now also send messages in non-embeds. If you didn't gave him embed permissions, it will now send messages in non-embeds!


1.5 | 27.08.2020

- Maintenance will now block the most commands
- New Command: !prefix [new prefix] - Set a custom prefix for the bot-commands. Default is still "!"
- Bugfix: If too many channels / members could not be set automatically after !add-verification, the command no longer aborts and now shows a "more channels / members" after 10 channels / members.
- The !verification-help command is now a user-command (previously Admin-command)
- The !vote command no longer shows "Code doesn't work? Use !verify again!"
- When you remove the bot from your server, the custom verify-message and the custom prefix will reset


1.4 | 20.08.2020

- Bugfix: The first servers who joined the bot, are now again working
- The codes are now saved depending on the server and are no longer overwritten by other servers.

- When you type "!verify-message" without a message, the custom verify-message now will get deleted

- When you set a custom verify-message without the required variable {code}, you will now get an error message


1.3 | 16.08.2020

- New subcommand for !add-verification: -noverify - Will give all users on the server the "Not verified"-role instead of the "Verified"-role.
- @Verification-User (server owners) will now automatically get the @Verification-User role and a DM when they join this server.


1.2 | 13.08.2020

- New Command: !unverify [USERID] - Unverifies a specific user
- New command: !unverify-all - Unverifies all users in the server (may take some minutes to prevent API abuse)
- New command: !mverify-all - Verifies all users in the server (may take some minutes to prevent API abuse)


1.1 | 11.08.2020

- Added a new channel "votes" which will show votes for the bot on top.gg

- New command: !vote - Shows a link to the bot-page on top.gg

- Added an info to rewrite !verify, when the code doesn't work

- When entering the wrong code, you will now get an error message

- Changed some things in "Welcome!"-message


1.0.1 | 08.08.2020

- Fixed a bug, that allowed all users to run !verify-message


1.0 | 07.08.2020

- Leaving the Beta-Phase! Official Release!

- New Command: !verify-message - Customize the message with the code shown when a new user types !verify

- New Bot-related channels on my server! Join my server, verify yourself and type !add-verify to get acess to the (currently 3) Bot discussion, support and more channels!



- Support messages now have to be at least 50 characters.

- Status changed to "Problems? DM me for support! | {COUNT} Servers!"



- Added a subcommand to skip the check of the permission manage_messages

- Added check of manage_messages  permission to !check-verification (it will show as an error if not enabled)

- !remove-verification will now directly remove the verification-channel from the DB.



- Already existing members on the servers now automatically get the "Verified" role, when running !add-verification

- The command !check-verification now also checks, if members don't have the "Not verified" and "Verified" role (both)

- Added an information to Commands and description that not every error in !check-verification is a problem



- Fixed a problem with already existing roles on the server



- Added a delay after running !add-verification command to prevent API abuse

- !add-verification is now slower (one action per 5 seconds) to prevent API abuse

- Changed some things in FAQ



- Added !check-verify-channel and !check-verification commands

- Messages have now an information, that they are deleted in 5 seconds

- Bugfixes



- Bot was released publicly (BETA)

Privacy Policy

What information do we collect and why?


When the bot joins your server, we store your server ID, the Server Owner and some other information. This is just for our statistic and only visible for bot owners. When using !add-verification, we store your ServerID and the ID of the verify-channel. This is important for the bot to find your server and the channel again.

If you set a custom prefix and a custom verify-message, it get also saved with your ServerID.



Is any information shared elsewhere?


We do not share any information with anyone else.



How can my data be deleted?


You can add a data deletion request by joining our Support-Server or you can send a request to the bot as DM.



Even if problems are unlikely, you should always be prepared for possible server failures and other things.
We are not responsible for any problems that arise from these reasons.
